Thursday, May 05, 2016

Our jobsite domains go from strength to strength

Today browsing for jobs online is continually one of the most popular internet trends, constantly in the top 5 along with holidays/travel and one of the main contributing factors why the sales of newspapers have declined more than 750 million copies since the early 1990's and continue to do so today: Trinity chief executive Simon Fox said in February 2016: "Over a million people have stopped buying a newspaper in the past two years but we believe a large number of them can be tempted back with the right product'' Their NEW DAY tabloid launched in that very same month, was closed down by them just nine weeks later! Research also shows that recruiters prefer niche jobsites, rather than national ones, as these return better results, one of the reasons why now more than 70% of all East Yorkshire businesses regularly have recruitment adverts featured here with Bridjobs. This includes one of the region's larger employers Ebuyer Howden incorporating Wren Kitchen & Bedrooms.

Our Regional Jobsite Established 2005

New Day Closure BBC News